There were lots of laughs (and a bit of blood) on the inaugural Get Your Grin On Ride at the Lehigh Portland Trails.
Over a dozen riders showed up for this informal group ride, most of whom had not seen the entire trail system, some of whom had very little experience mountain biking. The latter were a little scared (which is perfectly natural and appropriate), but they did great!
There were plenty of grins (and grunts, and grimaces, and grrrs) as the riders explored the Hobo Camp Trail, the Rubble Ridge Roller Coaster, the Quarry Bluffs, the Creekside Trail, and Mt. Lehigh.
First blood went to Don Burns, who got tangled up with a wild rose bush. First flat went to William Toland, who had to abort early due to a leaky stem … and he was riding so well!
Thanks to all who came out and gave this a go. Hope you enjoyed the ride, and hope you’ll be back. We’ll do this again!

We’re hoping to make the GYGO (Get Your Grin On) Ride a regular thing. Watch our Facebook Page or Twitter feed for future ride announcements.